Pumpkin Day - October 26th, 2024 | Kid Jokes | Dad Jokes
"Exploring the uses and traditions surrounding pumpkins. Let’s harvest some laughs! After each joke, you’ve got five seconds to carve out the right answer. Keep listening till the end for today’s gourd-geous riddle.
1st Joke: Why was the jack-o'-lantern afraid?
2nd Joke: What do you get when you drop a pumpkin?
3rd Joke: Why do pumpkins sit on porches?
4th Joke: What did the pumpkin say to its carver?
5th Joke: What do you get when you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
Today's Riddle: I am a sweet dessert often made in the fall, but I'm not an apple pie. What am I?
That’s all for today’s pumpkin pandemonium. Don’t miss tomorrow’s explosive fun on Crazy Chemistry Day!
Jokes for Kids, Kid Jokes, Children Jokes, Funny Jokes for Kids, Silly Jokes, School Jokes, Dad Jokes, Pumpkin Day Jokes"
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